Tuesday, August 13, 2013

BIG NEWS: bon voyage, blogger

i have (finally!) migrated this blog and portfolio site over to tumblr. please visit madebyalissandra.com for frequent updates to my “things i didn’t say” daily handlettering project and other things from my studio, including this week's dailies! this blog will remain as an archive, but all additional updates will be on tumblr. see you around, blogger, you've been a good friend. 

xoxo alissandra

Monday, August 5, 2013

things i didn't say: 7/28-8/3.

today officially marks the beginning of my summer! i know i know, but better late than never, and certainly feels good to be able to use my time as i please for the next... two weeks before school starts.
let's take a look:

 (sunday, july 28th)

 (monday, july 29th)

 (tuesday, july 30th)

(wednesday, july 31st)

(thursday, august 1st)

(friday, august 2nd)

(saturday, august 3rd)

there are plenty of things to fill my time (important real-life things, frivolous nonsense things, and a few in-between) and i look forward to choosing all of them on the schedule and pace of my own desire (possibly without wearing pants). have a great week, everybody! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

dailies 7/21-7/27.

hello, old friends, long time no see! for the past month i've been working like a maniac at mica's pre-college program, an exhausting, but rewarding gig. during that time, my dailies were posted direct to facebook via a super-swanky whitelines link sketchbook that talks to my iphone and straightens and crops and auto-corrects all the blahblah like a champion. now quality-wise, it's not the best, but man was it a lifesaver. those dailies can be found here: please take a look! being surrounded by 200 teenagers and sleeping in a twin-extra-long summons some pret-ty good things that i couldn't say without getting, you know, super-fired.

now that precollege is over, i'm back to my real house and my real scanner and dailies will be back here for the foreseeable future. let's get to it:

 (sunday, july 21st)

 (monday, july 22nd)

 (tuesday, july 23rd)

 (wednesday, july 24th)

 (thursday, july 25th)

(friday, july 26th)

 (saturday, july 27th)

it feels great to be done and to finally get some summer in. first on the agenda: CLEAN MA DAMN ROOM. have a great week, everybody!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

dailies 6/9-6/15.

here are the dailies right-quick:

(sunday, june 9th)

(monday, june 10th)

 (tuesday, june 11th)
 (wednesday, june 12th)

 (thursday, june 13th)

(friday, june 14th)

 (saturday, june 15th)

 can't chat gotta get to sleep pre-college starts tomorrow!! xoxo a.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

dailies 6/2-6/8.

dailies dailies dailies dailies GAH HERE WE GO

 (sunday, june 2nd)

 (monday, june 3rd)

 (tuesday, june 4th)

 (wednesday, june 5th)

 (thursday, june 6th)

 (friday, june 7th)

(saturday, june 8th)

okay so i have a million things to do BUT next week is the last week of school (yes!) and i spent the better half of today making cupcakes for the end of the year. now an important question: if a lady baketh cupcakes but does not document said accomplishment on instagram, DIDITHAPPEN. have a great week, everybody!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

dailies 5/26-6/1.

what a week! here are the dailies:

 (sunday, may 26th)

 (monday, may 27th)

 (tuesday, may 28th)

 (wednesday, may 29th)

 (thursday, may 30th)

(friday, may 31st)

(saturday, june 1st)

after a great long (and entirely work-free) weekend, this week was a doozy! i did have a GREAT friday speaking on a panel with some excellent colleagues and keynote speaker olivia gude (aka my hero), who i then got to chat with about my teaching and her vision over lunch! speaking about my teaching in front of/with one of my greatest mentors was both extremely nerve-wracking and a huge honor. WHOA.

i've still got some catching up to do in order to be ready for the last two weeks of classes (!!) and the start of precollege, so have a great week, everybody! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

dailies 5/19-5/25.

hi friends! here are the dailies:

 (sunday, may 19th)

 (monday, may 20th)

 (tuesday, may 21st)

 (wednesday, may 22nd)

 (thursday, may 23rd)

 (friday, may 24th)

(saturday, may 25th)

this week was quite a whirlwind, but ended with a great long weekend: i had a long-overdue visit with my grandmother and took advantage of birthday coupons, memorial day sales, and new jersey's lack of sales tax on clothing for a sweet new summer wardrobe! man i love a good bargain (or many bargains). have a great week, everybody! 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

dailies 5/12-5/18.

and here we have the dailies, brought to you by a very productive weekend! let's take a look:

 (sunday, may 12th)
(monday, may 13th)

 (tuesday, may 14th)

(wednesday, may 15th)

 (thursday, may 16th)

 (friday, may 17th)

 (saturday, may 18th)

i spent much of my saturday wandering around the mica commencement exhibition there was some really nice (and some less nice) work! be sure to visit my tumblr to get a peek at some of the work i liked best (especially if they didn't have any business cards!). have a great week, everybody! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

dailies 5/5-5/11.

well this week was so chock-full of things i can't even handle it. let's see: dailies first, anecdotal evidence next:

(sunday, may 5th)

(monday, may 6th)

(tuesday, may 7th)

 (wednesday, may 8th)

 (thursday, may 9th)

(friday, may 10th)

(saturday, may 11th)

this week started with my final formal observation as an untenured teacher (BOOM), and ended with leo dicaprio's endlessly charming face on the big screen. i had a great birthday thanks to good friends, adorable students, and some sweet 90's jams. have a great week, everybody!